Sid's athleticism never came from conventional sports such as basketball, football, or baseball. Although, he did a few basketball leagues as a kid and only 1 year of tennis, cross country, and wrestling in high school - all that was very short-lived. At 5 years old, his parents enrolled him in Tae Kwon Do; where he earned his black belt at 10. As a child, it ultimately taught him self-control, discipline, and respect for elders. At 13, Sid picked up skateboarding, which turned from a hobby into a passion and lifestyle. He still skateboards on his spare time today.
Sid got into fitness/bodybuilding at 15 when he enrolled in the body tone class in high school. His friend, who was on the football team, put him through one of his workouts and from there, he was hooked. He continued to exercise - from high school to college to after - disciplining himself with dieting and set workout splits.
In December 2014, Sid became a Certified Personal Trainer under the National Council of Strength and Fitness. Originally, it was to further his own knowledge in fitness to achieve his own goals. But he saw an opportunity to help others achieve their fitness goals. By surrounding himself with the right colleagues, he was introduced to the importance of mobility and functional strength and the value it has for the longevity of one's body. From that point on, Sid continues to research about mobility, anatomy, and physiology.
Sid began powerlifting in January 2015 and has competed in five powerlifting meets, currently holding four California state records:
- USAPL 74kg Raw Juniors (20-23) Squat - 230kg (507.1lbs)
- USAPL 74kg Open (14+) Squat - 230kg (507.1lbs)
- USAPL 74kg Raw Juniors Deadlift - 257.5 (568 lbs)
- USAPL 74kg Raw Juniors Total - 620kg (1367 lbs)
His passion and knowledge for powerlifting also led him to creating his own strength plan - MASScardo 5-Week.